Search Results
Cornet Solo: "DMG" - Sam B. Wood.
D.M.G by Sam B.Wood cornet solo Derek Garside C.W.S Manchester Alex Mortimer 1968
Faith. Sam B Wood.
Cornet Solo: "Cleopatra" - Damare
D M G Cornet solo Derek Garside CWS Manchester band 1961
Hora Stacato - Grigoras .Dinicu Cornet Soloist Wim van Boven with the Brighouse and Rastrick Band MD
"Clear skies" by Eric Ball.
You Needed Me - Soprano Cornet Solo
Provence The CWS Manchester Band
Princess Alice
Facilta Hartmann cornet Derek Garside C.W.S Manchester Alex Mortimer 1961 (home cassette 70's)
Cornet Solo: "El Cumbanchero" - R. Hernandez.